Why Saving and Investing is the Key to True Freedom and Flexibility for Women | INVESTED MOM

Women are often raised to think that personal finance is a man's world. We're led to believe that we need to find a rich husband to take care of us, and that money is not something we need to worry about. This could not be further from the truth! In reality, personal finance is vitally important for women of all ages. And one of the most important personal finance concepts for women is saving and investing.

Saving and investing may seem like daunting tasks, but they are actually quite simple. And the rewards can be life-changing! When you save and invest, you are taking control of your financial future. You are creating true freedom and flexibility in your life.

We've been taught all our lives that the key to happiness and success is working hard. But what if there was a better way? A way that didn't involve being trapped on the hamster wheel forever? It turns out, there is a better way – and that's by saving and investing.

Saving and investing may not be as glamorous as getting the newest iPhone or driving a new car, but it's what will create true freedom and flexibility in your life. So if you're looking to achieve long-term success and happiness, start saving and investing today! It's the best way to start building your wealth and secure your financial future.

It's never too early to start saving and investing. In fact, the sooner you start, the better. Saving and investing gives you the opportunity to grow your money over time. The earlier you start saving and investing, the more time your money has to grow. There are a few things you should keep in mind when saving and investing.

First, it's important to remember that saving and investing are not the same thing. Saving is setting aside money on a regular basis so that you have cash available when you need it. Investing is using your money to purchase assets that grow in value over time and often produce cash flow in the form of dividends or rental income.

Second, it's important to have a clear goal in mind before you start saving and investing. What do you want to use your savings for? Do you want to retire early? Or do you want to have the financial freedom to pursue your passions? Once you know your goals, you can start working towards them.

Third, consider whether you want to diversify, or be a very focused investor. The answer to this usually lies in how much time and interest you have in learning about investing and how actively you want to manage your investments. When you diversify, you spread your money across many different investments, which is said to help reduce your risk, but will also give you closer to a market rate of return. Typically you'll find yourself investing in ETF's Mutual Funds, Index Funds, and REIT's.

Being a more active participant in your financial success and wealth building efforts often leads to more focused investments, like investing in individual companies, and requires some research and knowledge - all of which you can learn! If you're a focused investor your rates of return can be much higher and typically you'll find yourself investing in individual companies you've researched (like Apple, Google or Tesla), Real Estate, Start-ups and other more focused asset classes.

Fourth, be patient.

Charlie Munger said: “The big money is not in the buying and selling, but in the waiting.”

Saving and investing compounds over time. It's important to remember that you don't make money when you buy, and you don't make money when you sell. You make money in the waiting. Being patient will be your biggest asset in creating generational wealth over long periods of time.

Saving and investing is the key to true freedom and flexibility.

Stay Invested! xx


The Retirement Lie: You're Never Going to Save Your Way to Retirement | INVESTED MOM
