What People Really Want
People think I’m good at things.
Growth Marketing
Performance Coaching
What they don’t realize is that I’m good at none of those things. I’m good understanding people. And I’m good at simplifying things. So when I was early in my leadership career, it didn’t take me long to figure out that the only way I was going to be successful, was if I had leverage. The type of leverage I needed? People. What do people want? To belong. After some trial and error I boiled the question “What do people (employees) want?” down to these three things:
Don’t f*ck with their pay or their schedule
Make them feel invincible
And make them feel like they belong
Simple. But not easy.Fitting in is the opposite of belonging. Fitting in is assessing, and acclimating. Eg Here’s what I should say, here’s what I should be.. what I should avoid talking about, what I should dress like.
Belonging is belonging to yourself first. Speaking your truth and never betraying yourself for other people. True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are, it requires you to BE who you are. So that’s the kind of culture and environment I needed to create, nurture and promote. And that’s how I dominated every role I’ve ever filled. And why today, I can live an unrestricted life.Because I understand that when:
We feel a sense of belonging (Culture)
We feel invincible (Strengths based Leadership)
And we really care (Human connection)
Anything’s possible. And you’re capable of incredible things, far beyond your wildest imagination.