How to make money online by learning free high-income skills | INVESTED MOM

Women working on her computer

Some people believe that to make money online, you've got to take expensive courses or go to college. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are plenty of free skills that you can learn that will generate a high income.

If you're stuck in your low-paying job, or maybe you're a stay-at-home parent wondering how you can make money online, don't fret! You can do this.

Here are some high-income skills that you can learn for free:

Woman enjoying a tea while working on her laptop

1. Video editing

YouTube and TikTok have exploded in popularity over the years. The one thing that those two platforms have done is create a surge in the need for video editors.

You can learn how to edit videos for free using various online resources. Once you've mastered the skill, you can start offering your services to businesses and individuals who need videos edited.

There is free software that you can use to edit videos; however, you will want to invest some of your profits into upgrading to paid software like Adobe Premiere Pro for a professional look.

You can easily make $50-$100 per hour as a video editor, depending on the project. Of course, you're not going to make that in the beginning, but as you build a clientele, your rates will go up.

The need for video editors will only grow as platforms like YouTube and TikTok continue to be popular. There are also other platforms like Facebook and Instagram that are starting to get into the video game.

That means there will always be a demand for video editors.

man editing videos online

2. Social media marketing

Another high-income skill that you can learn for free is social media marketing. Just about every business needs someone to help them with their social media.

Your job as a social media marketer would be to help businesses grow their social media following, engage with their audience, and create content.

It's best to choose one platform and become an expert in it. Let's say you want to learn how to grow and monetize Facebook groups. You can find people who will hire you to help them with their groups.

Start by working for free or at very low rates to get some experience and build a portfolio. Once you have some experience, you can start charging more.

If you don't want to work for other people, you could grow your own social media following and monetize it. This takes a lot more work, but it can be very profitable.

Learning how to monetize any traffic source is well worth the effort because it's a skill that you can scale and make a ton of cash.

social media apps on phone

3. Search engine optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is optimizing a website so that it ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

You will be helping businesses get their website to rank higher on Google to get more organic traffic. The higher they rank, the more traffic they will get and the more money they will make.

SEO is difficult to learn, but that means you can make some serious money if you can master it. You can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per year as an SEO consultant.

The best way to learn SEO is just to start doing it. Read articles, watch videos, and experiment with different tactics. Then, once you've learned the basics, you can start offering your services to businesses.

search engine optimization

Here's a tip that will put a lot of cash in your pocket:

Offer SEO services to local businesses in your area. This is referred to as local SEO, and it's a huge money maker.

Most businesses are willing to pay a lot of money to rank higher in Google because it means they will get more customers.

Local SEO is a great way to get started in the SEO world because it's not as competitive as other niches, and you can easily charge $500-$1000 per month per client.

hundred dollar bills

4. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is promoting other people's products and earning a commission on every sale you make.

It's a very popular way to make money online because it's relatively easy to get started, and it doesn't require any upfront investment.

You can sign up for affiliate programs for free and start promoting products immediately. There are thousands of affiliate programs to choose from, so you're sure to find some that fit your niche.

To be successful at affiliate marketing, you need to know how to drive traffic to your affiliate links. Once you've mastered that, the sky is the limit.

Affiliate marketing isn't something that most people get jobs doing. However, this is one of those things that you can do to be your own boss and make a full-time income.

As an affiliate marketer, you must always search for products that solve problems for people. You'll be successful if you can find products that do that.

People will always search for solutions to their problems. So find products that solve big problems if you want to make huge money with affiliate marketing.

Another way to use affiliate marketing as a way to make money online is to start a blog and incorporate affiliate links into the blog. You can promote anything from products to online courses to software development programs. Making money online in itself can be a valuable skill.

marketing and pricing book on table

5. Email marketing

Smart businesses know the value of email marketing. They know that email is one of the most effective ways to reach their customers and make sales.

If you learn the ins and outs of email marketing, you could make a lot of money by helping businesses to grow their email list and make more sales.

Email marketing is a complex subject that will take some time to learn. But it's worth it because email marketing is one of the most effective ways to make money online and reinforce your personal brand with those people who are already on your list.

woman on computer and checking her phone

You need to learn things such as:

-How to grow an email list

-How to write emails that convert

-How to set up automated email sequences

-How to split test your emails

You'll also need to learn how to entice people with lead magnets so that they give you their email addresses. Email marketing is so much more than just sending out a few emails here and there.

To be successful, you need to understand the psychology of why people buy things and how to tap into them. This is an underrated high paying skill that can get you that extra cash.

Often, copywriting effective emails can also be delegated to a virtual assistant, which can make all the difference if you're trying to work fast and need some help with content marketing.

email alerts on phone

6. Web design and development

Every business needs a website. And every website needs a web designer. If you're good at web design, you can make a lot of money by helping businesses create beautiful and functional websites. Same goes for web development. Web development skills are in high demand and having your own website and web development business can help you earn money online.

Web design is as much an art as it is a science. Of course, you need to be creative and have an eye for detail. But you also need to understand things like color theory, typography, and user experience. These are specialized skills people are willing to pay for and you don't need to have a software engineering degree either. Learning a few technical skills and graphic design will get you there.

You can get hired by a big business and work from home or start your own web design business and work with small businesses.

This is another one of those services that you can offer to local businesses in your area and make quite a bit of money. Don't think that you have to scour the entire globe for customers; chances are, plenty is in your backyard.

You should consider specializing in one particular area of web design, such as eCommerce, membership sites, or landing pages.

home office set up

7. Become a copywriter

Copywriters make big bucks by writing compelling copy that sells. It's crazy how much money businesses will pay for good copy. Copywriting is core to any strong digital marketing strategy.

You can charge hundreds of dollars for just a few words if you know how to write copy that sells. And the great thing is, you don't need any special qualifications or experience. This high income skill is in such high demand that you can easily start your own business just doing this if you have the sales skills and the communication skills to write copy that sells.

That's right; you don't need a degree in English or Journalism to be a copywriter. All you need is the ability to write well and be persuasive.

Of course, you will need some experience, but you get that by offering your services for next to nothing to build up a portfolio. After you have your portfolio, you can then start charging top dollar.

Copywriting is another thing you should specialize in specific areas. You might want to specialize in writing email copy, sales letters, or web copy.

Also, don't overlook the power of copywriting for social media. You can get people to take action on social media with the right copy, leading to sales and greater brand awareness.

8. Learn how to create mobile apps

Companies are still jumping onto the mobile bandwagon, meaning there are plenty of opportunities for you to make money by creating mobile apps.

To create a mobile app, you don't need to be a tech genius. Plenty of platforms allow you to create an app without a single line of code.

But, if you want to create something special, you'll need to learn how to code. Coding is not as difficult as it sounds, and plenty of resources can help you learn.

If you don't want to work for someone else, you can create your own mobile apps and monetize them with ads or in-app purchases.

Everyone these days has a mobile device in their pocket, which means there's always a demand for someone to create apps.

9. Create voiceovers and audiobooks

What is a voiceover? A voiceover is simply someone who records their voice to be used for TV, movies, video games, or commercials.

The market for voiceovers is huge, and there's always a demand for good-quality voiceovers.

Technically you could get started using your smartphone or even your laptop; however, you will want to invest in a good quality microphone after you begin making money.

You can find voiceover work on sites like Fiverr, Upwork, or Craigslist. Once you have a few satisfied clients, you can start charging more for your services.

Another option is to create audiobooks. You can find plenty of work creating audiobooks on sites like ACX.

You don't need any special qualifications to start and can start making money quickly.

Customers can be quite picky regarding the audio quality, so you'll need to clean it up using free software such as Audacity.

10. Learn how to trade cryptocurrency and sell signals

Okay, you probably think you need a ton of cash to invest in learning how to trade cryptocurrency. No, you don't need a single cent. You're not trading cryptocurrency; what you're doing is selling signals.

What are signals? Signals indicate that a particular coin is about to go up or down in price.

That's right; you're selling information about trading possibilities. You will need to tell other people when they should buy or sell their coins.

You get customers by issuing your predictions on YouTube and social media. You can also use forums to attract people who are interested in what you have to say.

Once you've built up a following, you can start charging for your services. Some people charge a monthly fee, while others charge per trade.

If your signals earn people money, the word will get out, and you will have no shortage of customers.

Huge caution here - make sure you disclose that you're not providing financial advice and that you're not claiming a get-rich-quick scheme. There is no faster way to lose credibility and trust with an audience than being deceptive.

11. Blogging is a slow way to build a fortune

You're not going to get rich overnight with blogging. Blogging is a slow process that takes time to build up.

The key to making money blogging is finding a niche you're passionate about and then building an audience around your blog.

You can make money with your blog in many ways, including display advertising, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and selling products or services.

The key is to be consistent and patient. It takes time to build up a following, but if you're passionate about your topic, it will be worth it in the end.

Building up a following is good; however, you really want to create evergreen content.

Evergreen content is the kind of content that will always be relevant, no matter when someone reads it. This kind of content will continue to generate traffic and earnings for years to come.

You can publish a blog post today that gets traffic and earns money for months or even years into the future.

A great way to come up with evergreen topics is to think about problems that people are always going to have. For example, how to save money, how to get in shape, or how to improve productivity.

These are the kinds of topics that will always be relevant and generate traffic and earnings for years to come.

12. Review products or services online

How often have you gone to YouTube to watch a product or service review before making a purchase?

Many times, right? We all do it.

Well, you can get paid to do the same thing. You can get paid to review products or services online.

There are a number of ways to do this. One way is to find products or services you're passionate about and then contact the company directly to see if they're interested in having you review their product.

Are they going to pay you to review their product? Maybe. It depends on how big of a YouTube channel you have.

However, promoting affiliate offers is the best way to make money with reviews.

There are several affiliate networks that you can join, such as Clickbank and Amazon Associates. Once you've joined an affiliate network, you can browse the offers and promote the ones you're interested in.

The products or services that you review must solve a problem that your audience is facing.

For example, you could review products like gardening tools, soil, or even seeds if you have a gardening channel.

The way you make money is by including your affiliate link in your review. You earn a commission when someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase.

You must find solutions to the problems people have. So, in a sense, having a YouTube review channel is like affiliate marketing but solely focused on doing reviews.

13. Offer consulting, coaching services or online courses

If you have a particular skill or expertise, you can make money by offering your services as a consultant or coach. You might be surprised to learn this is a money-making method that has been around since day one of the internet.

This is still a very popular way to make money online. All you need is a skill or expertise that people are willing to pay for.

Let's say that you are an expert in search engine optimization (SEO). You can offer your services as an SEO consultant or coach.

Maybe someone wants to start their own SEO agency and needs help getting started. You can offer your services and help them get their business off the ground.

Or, maybe someone is running an existing SEO agency and needs help with a particular client. You can offer your services and help them get the results they need.

All you need is a skill or expertise that people are willing to pay for. Once you have that, you can start offering your services and making money.

Once you've worked with some clients and you've identified some common pain points they have, you can create online courses that address those pain points. A well-targeted online course is a great money making idea if you have the organizational skills to create a course and the soft skills for selling online courses.

Selling an online course filled with in-demand skills for solving problems is one of the best money-making ideas. You can create a whole online business selling courses with your high-income skills.

Here are a few tips to make the most money when offering services to businesses online:

Never sell your services (or online course) for less than what you're worth. Many people make the mistake of selling their services for less than what they're worth.

Don't do this.

You need to value your time and expertise. If you don't, no one else will.

If you're unsure what your time is worth, start by researching what other people in your industry are charging for similar services.

Once you have a good idea of what others are charging, start pricing your services accordingly.

Set deadlines that you can meet

Deadlines are essential to businesses. They need to know that you can deliver results on time.

When setting deadlines, make sure they're realistic. You don't want to set a deadline that you can't meet. This will only reflect poorly on you and your business.

If you're not sure if you can meet a specific deadline, always communicate with the client and let them know.

Lastly, never turn in second-rate work

No matter what you do, always strive to turn in the best work possible.

Never forget that a customer has many avenues to get their money back if you don't deliver on your promise.

If you're not sure if the work you're turning in is up to par, ask for feedback from a friend or colleague.


Are you sick of the rat race? Are you tired of working a 9-to-5 job that you hate?

If so, it's time to start looking for ways to make money online.

Each of the methods listed above can help you make money online. However, it's important to remember that there is no "get rich quick" solution and there's no such thing as passive income right from the get-go. You have to build a foundation first, but if you have a computer or mobile device, you can make money online.

It takes hard work and dedication to succeed. But, if you're willing to do the work, you can make a decent income from any of the above methods.

If you're struggling to figure out where to start and need someone to point you in the right direction, book a 1:1 coaching call with me and let's get you started on your wealth-building journey to living an unrestricted life.

Stay Invested xx


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