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How to build authority blogging on LinkedIn using LinkedIn Publisher | INVESTED MOM

As a professional, building your authority and positioning yourself as a thought leader in your industry can be a crucial step in advancing your career. One of the best ways to do this is by regularly publishing superior content that showcases your expertise and knowledge. And what better platform to do this on than LinkedIn, the go-to social media platform for professionals!

LinkedIn has a native blogging platform called LinkedIn Publisher, which allows users to publish long-form content, such as blog posts, directly on the platform. By using LinkedIn Publisher, you can reach a larger audience of professionals, get more followers, and share your expertise with a targeted audience.

But it's not just about getting your content out there. It's also about making sure it's seen by the right people and that it's optimized for search.

In this article, we'll cover the benefits of blogging on LinkedIn using LinkedIn Publisher and provide tips on how to craft a compelling LinkedIn blog post that will help you build your authority and position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

RELATED: Read LinkedIn Performer Series: How to turn your LinkedIn profile into an income-generating machine

Meet Inge: Your Executive Coach

Hi, I'm Inge and I went from being a struggling single mom to living an unrestricted life. 

As a young girl, I quickly learned that if I wanted to have the things I desired, I would have to work for them.

Once I started investing in myself and upgrading my skills, I also began investing my money. As a result, I became debt-free and started compounding my assets. All this while struggling with ADHD.  But it wasn’t until I became a coach that I realized how significant an impact I can make in people's lives by sharing my journey, learnings, and my processes. So here I am, advocating for everyone who is invested and wants to grow, especially the mommas!

I write about wealth building, Investing, increasing your income, and everything personal finance, business, and entrepreneurship. LinkedIn became my first, and most powerful, social platform for building my authority, leveling up my career, increasing my income, and ultimately becoming my own boss.

Here are three things that happened when I realized the power of publishing on LinkedIn:

  • I realized I could build my authority in my industry and establish myself as an expert in my field. It leads to countless opportunities I still benefit from today.

  • I realized that there is a wide open space for creating content on LinkedIn that aligns with my values and attracts like-minded people to my community.

  • I realized that it was my mission to teach this to others because it's so simple to do and the benefits are almost infinite. Too many people don't take advantage of this opportunity to build a network and become published author.

Blogging on LinkedIn isn't complicated, or time-consuming. You can easily publish your own content and start building your authority on the platform. LinkedIn blogging is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your career goals. So don't be intimidated - let's start building your authority on LinkedIn through blogging!

Here are the 8 steps that will help you use LinkedIn Publisher to build your authority on LinkedIn.

  1. Benefits of blogging on LinkedIn

  2. How to start blogging on LinkedIn

  3. How to plan out the content and structure of your posts

  4. Tips for creating superior content

  5. How to craft a compelling headline

  6. Strategies for finding and using relevant keywords

  7. Common mistakes to avoid when crafting LinkedIn blog posts

  8. Tying it all together

Let’s get started!

There are several benefits to blogging on LinkedIn using LinkedIn Publisher:

  • Reach a targeted audience:

    LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, so the people who are active on the site are generally interested in career development and industry news. By publishing your blog posts on LinkedIn, you can reach a highly targeted audience of professionals who are interested in your content.

    Pro Tip: Turn your blog post into a weekly or monthly newsletter to further engage your community and build your brand. In fact, you can create a flywheel effect by adding an effective call-to-action in your blog to encourage your readers to join your newsletter. Imagine the industry clout this will give you!

    A call-to-action (CTA) is a statement or button that encourages your readers to take a specific action. Examples of effective CTAs include "Sign up for our newsletter," "Learn more about our services," or "Contact us for a consultation."

  • Increase your visibility:

LinkedIn is a search engine, so publishing content on the platform can help you increase your visibility to potential clients, recruiters, and other professionals.

Your article may be searchable both on and off LinkedIn, depending on your profile settings. Having your public profile visibility set to everyone will distribute your articles publicly. - LinkedIn

If you want to learn more about this, go check out LinkedIn's public profile visibility.

  • Build your brand:

Blogging on LinkedIn allows you to build your personal brand. By publishing informative and engaging content, people will start to get to know you, who you are, and what you stand for. It's a way for you to craft your personal brand and show your connections and followers exactly what you want them to see about you as a professional.

  • Connect with others:

    Blogging on LinkedIn is a great way to connect with others in your field and engage with your network. By commenting on other people's posts and participating in LinkedIn groups, you can expand your reach and build meaningful connections with others.

  • Showcase your skills and expertise:

    Blogging on LinkedIn allows you to showcase your expertise. By publishing informative and engaging content, you can demonstrate your knowledge and establish yourself as an authority in your field. So go ahead, and hit those status updates with posts about your blog!

  • Authorship:

    Yeah, that's right! Writing an article on Linkedin makes YOU an author. This can help to establish your credibility and authority as an expert in your industry. When you publish an article on LinkedIn, you'll be able to add a byline that includes your name and job title. This can help to build your personal brand and differentiate you from others in your field.

    In addition to building your personal brand, being an author can also help to increase your visibility. When you publish an article, it will be shared with your connections and followers, increasing the chances that it will be seen by others on the platform. And, as more people view and engage with your articles, your visibility will continue to grow. This is how I grew my own LinkedIn following from 0-30k in a year.

    Another benefit of being an author is the opportunity to build relationships with other professionals. By publishing articles and engaging with others on the platform, you'll be able to connect with like-minded individuals and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. This can lead to new opportunities for collaboration, networking, and professional growth.

    So, if you're looking to build your authority and position yourself as an expert, consider starting a LinkedIn blog using LinkedIn Publisher (more on this as you keep reading). As an author, you'll be able to build your personal brand, increase your visibility on the platform, and connect with other professionals in your field.

How to start blogging on LinkedIn

Create your LinkedIn Account

To start blogging on LinkedIn, you'll need to have a LinkedIn account and be logged in. To sign up, click here for clear instructions on how to do that.

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with hundreds of millions of members, and we are growing rapidly. Our mission is to connect the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful. - Linkedin

Start writing

Once you've signed up, from your profile page, click on the "Write an article" button in the "share box" in, the top right corner. Here's what it looks like:

This will bring up a blank editor where you can craft your post. You can add text, images, videos, and format it using the editor's formatting tools.

To get started, simply click on the "Write article" button in the share box at the top of your homepage. This will open up the article editor, where you can type in a catchy headline and the content of your article.

You can also add graphics, media, and hyperlinks to enhance your posts and make it more engaging. Don't forget to include relevant hashtags and mentions to increase the visibility of your article.

Once you're satisfied with your posts, click on the "Publish" button to share it with your network. You can edit or delete your articles at any time, and you also have the option to disable comments on your published articles. Here are the instructions directly from LinkedIn:

Additional consideration:

Are you looking to preview your LinkedIn content before publishing? With LinkedIn's article draft feature, you can do just that. Not only can you preview your content, but you can also share your draft with others for feedback before making it live.

Additionally, you have the option to disable comments on your published articles and can edit or delete them at any time.

It's also worth noting that when you mention another member or LinkedIn Page in your article, their profile or page will be hyperlinked and they will be notified of the mention.

Similarly, hashtags used in your article will be hyperlinked, and clicking on them will bring up other content with the same hashtag. For more on how to publish articles on Linkedin, click here.

How to plan out the content and structure of your posts

Before you begin writing your posts, it's a good idea to plan out the content and structure of your posts. Now that you're signed up to LinkedIn and you know how to start blogging, here are some tips for getting started:

  1. Choose a topic:

    Consider what you want to express and how it will be relevant and valuable to your audience. You can brainstorm ideas or look at current trends in your industry to find inspiration.

  2. Research your topic:

    Once you have a topic in mind, do some research to gather information and resources for your posts. This will help you create a well-informed and comprehensive posts and will cut your writing time in half.

  3. Outline your posts:

    Organize your thoughts and ideas into an outline to help guide your writing. This will make it easier to stay focused and create a clear and concise post.

  4. Write your posts:

    Now it's time to begin writing your posts. Follow your outline and use clear and concise language to convey your message. Remember to use relevant keywords throughout your posts to optimize it for search engines.

  5. Edit and proofread your posts:

    Before you hit publish, make sure to proofread your LinkedIn posts for errors and make any necessary edits. A well-written and polished article will make a better impression on your readers.

  6. Publish your posts:

    Once you're satisfied with your blog articles, click the "Publish" button to make it live. You can choose to schedule your article to be published at a later date or publish it immediately.

  7. Repurpose:

    If you have a website or your own blog (like a wordpress blog), you can repurpose relevant articles to your own website. You can also share it on your other socials to increase the reach. LinkedIn blogging can serve as a feeder for your other content too.

    Hot Tip: Use your LinkedIn articles and LinkedIn posts to parse out the bits of critical information related to your niche or industry and post those snippets to Twitter, or create a Twitter thread. Bingo! Multiple pieces of content, instantly.

Remember to promote your posts to increase their reach and engagement. Share it on your LinkedIn profile, in relevant groups, and on other social media platforms to get more views and comments. Leave a comment on someone else's posts, or send them a DM linking to your posts if it'll add value to them, but don't spam!

Keep reading to learn more about promoting your LinkedIn articles and creating high-quality content.

Tips for creating high-quality content

Your content is the key to building your authority on LinkedIn. Here are some tips for researching and writing informative, engaging, and relevant content that your readers will value.

Research your topic thoroughly

  • Before you start writing, take the time to research your topic thoroughly. Look for reliable sources of information, such as industry reports, academic journals, and expert opinions. Read other articles on the same topic. This will help you create a well-informed, accurate, and credible piece of content.

  • Take notes and organize your research to make it easier to reference when writing

  • Consider the current trends and needs in your industry to ensure your content is timely and relevant.

Create a strong outline

  • Start with a clear thesis statement that outlines the main points of your article

  • Organize your points in a logical and cohesive manner

  • Use subheadings to break up your content and make it easier to read

Choose a catchy and descriptive headline:

  • Your headline is the first thing that readers will see, so it's important to make it compelling and descriptive. Use numbers, power words, and emotional triggers to grab the reader's attention and give them a clear idea of what your post is about

  • Keep reading for tips on how to craft a compelling headline (your blog's title, or hook)

Write with your audience in mind

  • Identify the target audience for your content and tailor your writing style and language accordingly

  • Use simple, clear language and avoid jargon or technical terms that may not be familiar to all readers

  • Engage your readers by using anecdotes, examples, and personal experiences to illustrate your points

Edit and proofread your content

  • Double-check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation to ensure your content is professional and error-free

  • Use editing tools such as Grammarly to help catch mistakes

  • Have a colleague or trusted friend review your content for feedback and suggestions for improvement

Add visual elements to your content

  • Use high-quality images, graphics, and charts to break up the text and make your content more visually appealing

  • Include relevant links to external sources to provide further information and credibility to your content

  • Use formatting options such as headings, bolding, and bullet points to make your content easier to read and scan.

How to craft a compelling headline

Here's how to write a headline people want to click.

To attract readers and entice them to click on your post, it's essential to craft a compelling and descriptive headline. Incorporating elements such as numbers, power words, and emotional triggers can help to grab the reader's attention and give them a clear understanding of what your post will cover. By taking the time to carefully craft your headline, you can increase the chances that your post will be read and shared.

Use numbers

Numbers are a great way to grab attention and show readers exactly what they can expect from your post. For example, "5 tips for improving your LinkedIn profile" is more specific and eye-catching than "Improving your LinkedIn profile."

Here's another example: "10 strategies for increasing your LinkedIn followers" is more compelling than "Increasing your LinkedIn followers." Using numbers in your headline lets readers know exactly what they can expect from your post and can help make your content more appealing and easier to understand. Plus, studies have shown that headlines with numbers tend to perform better on social media and search engines.

One such study was conducted by CoSchedule, a content marketing platform, which analyzed the performance of over one million headlines. They found that headlines with numbers had an 18% higher click-through rate compared to those without numbers.

Another study, published in the Journal of Marketing, found that headlines with numbers had a higher likelihood of being shared on social media compared to those without numbers. The researchers attributed this to the fact that numbers provide a clear and specific value proposition, making it easier for readers to understand the content of the article and determine whether it is relevant to them.

"According to research by Conductor, headlines with numbers consistently outperform those without, with a 36% higher click-through rate on average. This is because they grab attention, convey a clear benefit to the reader, and make it easy to understand what the article is about at a glance." -Forbes. "The Science Behind Why Headlines With Numbers Perform Better" by Jayson DeMers

So, try to incorporate numbers into your LinkedIn headlines whenever possible to improve the chances of your content being seen and shared. Just make sure to use them appropriately and avoid overloading your headlines with too many numbers, as this can be off-putting to readers and end up having the opposite effect.

Include power words

Power words are words that trigger an emotional response in readers and make them more likely to take action. Some examples of power words include "secret," "proven," and "revolutionary." This is a well-known content marketing strategy used in the same way as advertising - to grab attention.

WARNING: Be careful not to overuse superlatives.

Data shows 51% of people like an understated approach, more likely to click headlines with 0-1 superlatives.

Superlatives are words or phrases that express the highest degree of quality. Examples include "best," "worst," "most," and "least." superlatives are usually formed by adding the suffix "-est" to an adjective (e.g. "fast" becomes "fastest"), or by using words like "most" or "least" before an adjective (e.g. "most beautiful" or "least expensive"). They are often used in headlines to grab attention and emphasize the significance or extremity of something.

Unique content always stands out from your peers or other businesses.

Here are a few examples of power words that you can use in your LinkedIn blog headlines to make them more compelling:

  1. "Discover" - This word implies that there is something new and exciting to learn from your post.

  2. "Revolutionary" - This word suggests that your post is offering something that is truly innovative and groundbreaking.

  3. "Transform" - This word implies that your post has the power to change things for the better.

  4. "Expert" - By using this word, you can position yourself as a thought leader and authority on the topic you are writing about.

  5. "Proven" - This word suggests that your post is based on solid evidence and research, making it more trustworthy and valuable to readers.

  6. "Unleash" - This word implies that your post has the power to unlock something valuable or beneficial to readers.

  7. "Master" - This word suggests that your post will provide readers with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their field or achieve their goals.

By using power words in your LinkedIn blog headlines, you can make them more persuasive and attractive to readers.

Use emotional triggers

Emotional triggers can be used to tap into readers' desires and motivations. For example, a headline like "How to land your dream job on LinkedIn" plays on readers' desire to succeed and reach their goals.

Clarity: Keep it short and sweet

Headlines should be concise and to the point. Aim for around 6-8 words, and avoid using unnecessary filler words.

Headlines that clearly state what the reader will get from the article perform better than those that are vague or ambiguous.

This is especially true for headlines with numbers, which tend to be more specific and tell the reader exactly what to expect from the article. So if you want to attract more readers and increase engagement, consider using explicit headlines that clearly convey the value of your content.

Test different headlines

It's a good idea to test different headlines to see which one performs the best. Use tools like CoSchedule's Headline Analyzer to see how your headline will fare, and make any necessary adjustments before publishing. It's a great tool I use myself and even used it when refining this blog's title.

Hot Tip! Check out this blog title generator. It's an excellent tool for coming up with content ideas and headlines.

Strategies for finding and using relevant keywords

Are you struggling to find the right keywords for your LinkedIn blog posts? Keywords are essential for optimizing your content for search and attracting the right audience. By following these tips, you can effectively target your audience and increase the chances of your content being discovered and shared.

Again, identify your target audience:

Determine who you are writing for and what they are interested in. This will help you narrow down the specific keywords you should use.

Research your industry:

Look at what your competitors are using as keywords and use tools like Google's Keyword Planner to see what terms are most popular in your industry.

Use long-tail keywords:

These are longer phrases that are more specific to your topic and tend to have less competition. They also tend to be more effective at driving targeted traffic to your blog.

Include location-specific keywords:

If you are targeting a specific geographic location, make sure to include keywords related to that location in your blog post.

Use keyword variations:

Don't just stick to one main keyword, but also include variations and synonyms to give your posts a broader reach.

Use natural language:

Don't stuff your blog post with keywords just for the sake of optimization. Use them naturally and in a way that flows with your content.

Monitor your results:

Use tools like Google Analytics to track how your blog post is performing and see which keywords are driving the most traffic. This will help you fine-tune your keyword strategy over time.

There are a few common mistakes to avoid when crafting a LinkedIn blog post using LinkedIn Publisher:

Not optimizing your content for SEO:

Another mistake to avoid is not optimizing your blog post for search. Just like with any other type of content, you want to make sure your LinkedIn posts are easily discoverable by the right audience. To do this, you'll need to include relevant keywords in your post title and throughout the body of your posts. You should also use the "Keywords" field in the editor to add additional keywords that are relevant to your LinkedIn posts

It's easy to forget, but LinkedIn is a search engine, so it's important to optimize your blog posts with relevant keywords and phrases. This will help your carefully crafted content get discovered by the right people and increase your visibility on the platform at the same time. It's a win-win.

Not including a call-to-action in your blog article:

Your LinkedIn articles should not only provide valuable information, but also encourage your readers to take action. Whether it's subscribing to your newsletter, visiting your website, or contacting you for more information, make sure to include a clear call-to-action at the end of your posts.

Not promoting your posts:

While LinkedIn Publisher allows you to reach a larger audience, you'll still need to promote your article on LinkedIn to maximize its reach. Share your LinkedIn blog posts on your profile, in relevant LinkedIn groups, and on other platforms to get more views and engagement.

To get more readers for your LinkedIn articles, consider sharing on other social media platforms like facebook posts, and promoting your blog content to your email list or your own website visitors.

If you're creating valuable content, and using the LinkedIn publishing platform to publish articles, potential customers (or employers) will start to notice. As long as your blog post is tailored to your target audience, LinkedIn articles can be a great way to boost your job hunting efforts and even attract a following.

You can also use search engines like Google Analytics to track your website traffic, monitor search engine optimisation (SEO), and see how your LinkedIn blog articles are performing.

To get even more value out of your LinkedIn article, try taking a content marketing approach. You could turn it into a podcast episode, a video, or a series of social media posts. This can help you reach a new audience and give your content a longer lifespan.

Not using images and formatting:

Posts with images and formatting tend to be more engaging and visually appealing. Make sure to add images and use formatting techniques like using the headline field, lists, short paragraphs, and bold or italicized text. This will break up your content and make it easier to read.

You can also add links in your blog and encourage people to leave comments. Schedule posts and a status update if you want a hands-off approach instead of hitting the publishing it yourself.

Not following the guidelines for LinkedIn Articles:

LinkedIn has a set of guidelines for publishers, which you'll need to follow in order to ensure your content is not removed from the platform. These guidelines include avoiding spammy or promotional content, respecting intellectual property, and avoiding offensive or inappropriate language. Make sure to familiarize yourself with LinkedIn's guidelines before publishing your content.

Proofreading your posts before publishing

Be sure to proofread your posts before publishing. While it's okay to have a conversational tone, you want to make sure your post is well-written and free of errors. You also need to focus on writing unique content.

Using LinkedIn's publishing platform, LinkedIn Publisher, is a great way to showcase your expertise and thought leadership to a large audience. When you publish a post on LinkedIn, it becomes part of your profile and is visible to your network, as well as anyone who follows you. It's now formed part of our professional lives. It is also searchable on LinkedIn and can be shared with other bloggers and LinkedIn users.

Tying it all together

Let me summarize: LinkedIn Publisher is LinkedIn's native blogging platform that allows users to publish long-form content and reach a targeted audience of professionals. By consistently publishing relevant content, users can increase their visibility, build their personal brand, connect with others, and showcase their skills and expertise.

It's important to optimize content for search engine optimization, include a call-to-action, and promote posts on LinkedIn and other social media platforms to maximize reach and engagement.

To improve the chances of success, it's recommended to publish regularly, use formatting tools and images, and engage with readers by commenting on other posts and participating in LinkedIn groups.

By building your authority on LinkedIn using LinkedIn Publisher, you can position yourself as a thought leader in your industry and attract new opportunities.

Who wouldn't want to blog on LinkedIn? Sounds like a no-brainer to me - start writing so that you too can become a published author.

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