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LinkedIn Performer Series: 7 reasons why LinkedIn is the most important social platform for career building and personal branding | INVESTED MOM

LinkedIn is one of the most important social platforms for business professionals if you're looking to increase your income and build your personal brand. It provides a great way to connect with other professionals, establish an authentic community, and promote your business expertise while searching for jobs that'll pay you what you're worth.

If you're in the job market, want to establish yourself as a thought leader, build an audience, start a business or build your own personal brand, LinkedIn is where it's at.

While other social networks may be bigger, LinkedIn is still one of the best social media platforms for successful personal branding, professional success, and business networking. Although there are many other sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok, most businesses (and most people) still use LinkedIn as the #1 place to research their candidates. Here's why:

1. LinkedIn has over 810 million members in over 200 countries around the world

This makes it the largest professional network and one you definitely want to be an active part of.

LinkedIn's size and presence gives members a huge advantage when it comes to networking, job seeking, and career development anywhere in the world. By connecting with other professionals on LinkedIn, you can broaden your horizons, learn new skills, and make valuable connections that can help you advance your career. LinkedIn also provides its members with access to a wealth of resources, including articles, videos, and courses on a wide range of topics. Whether you're looking to improve your resume or learn new ways to market your business or yourself, LinkedIn has the tools and resources you need to succeed.

2. LinkedIn continues to grow at a rapid pace

LinkedIn sessions continue to rise and it's not just about popularity, but quality. In 2019 alone there was a 25% increase in session viewing with 358 billion feed updates viewed by 740 million users. But what happens when you take into account that only 3 million share content weekly? This suggests a huge opportunity for anyone who can create more weekly content since the pool of creators is small compared to the total member count.

If you're looking for a new job, consider posting content in your niche or related to your skillset. This will demonstrate to prospective employers or prospective clients that you are a thought leader in your space and that you have your own unique perspective on the problems they're trying to solve, bringing your unique brand and process to the table.

3. LinkedIn is used by recruiters to find candidates for jobs

Job seekers often think of LinkedIn as a platform for networking and connecting with people in their industry. However, LinkedIn is also an extremely powerful tool for finding jobs. In fact, many recruiters use LinkedIn as their primary way of searching for candidates. Over 80% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find qualified candidates.

By creating a well-rounded profile and connecting with relevant professionals, you can put yourself in front of recruiters who are looking to fill open positions. Your personal branding here matters.

Additionally, LinkedIn allows you to follow companies that interest you and see when they post new job openings. By staying active on LinkedIn, you can increase your chances of being noticed by recruiters and landing your dream job.

To get the best chance of being noticed by recruiters, it's essential to make sure your profile is up-to-date and reflects your professional achievements and doubles down on your personal branding.

If you're not sure where to start, here are a few tips:

First, make sure your profile photo is current and professional. If you're not sure if your photo is appropriate, check the web and google it! Do some research and ask for feedback. There are plenty of websites that specialize in this. Stay away from low-quality photos with friends that you've posted all over social media for fun. A well-lit headshot will do just fine and doesn't have to be taken by a professional photographer, although it's nice if it's within your budget to get that done.

Next, take some time to write a clear and concise summary of your experience and skills. Link other appropriate social media channels to your profile in the summary section - this is an opportunity for marketing yourself. Don't be shy to layer in self-promotion. Have a Twitter account where you talk about your skills or industry? Do you write blogs about the problems your potential employers are trying to solve? Add it there. The summary section is where people will decide if they're interested in you. It gives them an idea of who you are.

Finally, be sure to populate your profile with relevant keywords so that you'll show up in search results. By taking these simple steps, you can make sure that you're putting your best foot forward when recruiters are searching for candidates on LinkedIn.

When you're trying to decide which job or industry you want to explore, LinkedIn has the most comprehensive network of employers, jobs, and skills you could choose from. You can even find your ideal customers on the platform.

If this get's you excited, but you don't know where to start, book a one-on-one Strategy Call with me to get you started.

4. LinkedIn is a great way to build your personal brand

By creating a profile and connecting with other professionals, you can increase your visibility, build your reputation, create content, craft your public persona and build an audience of other thought leaders in your industry.

It's also a great place to showcase your personality, interests, and company (if you're a business owner) and give people a sense of your offline world too, as long as you keep it focused and professional.

What is personal branding?

Personal branding builds reputations by discovering your distinctiveness. It's the way you communicate - your brand's visual presentation. Think of it as the way you want to show up to the world and how you want to be seen.

Why is personal branding important?

Well, for starters, it's a great way to make sure you stand out from the crowd. In today's competitive job market, employers are looking for candidates with a strong personal brand. Developing a well-rounded personal brand can give you the edge you need to land your dream job.

A successful personal brand is what sets you apart from the competition. It's what makes you unique and memorable. 

Creating a strong, positive personal brand can help you attract more clients, get hired for your dream job, and earn more money. 

Your personal brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room. It's the totality of how you present yourself, and how you're perceived by others. 

Creating and cultivating a strong personal brand can help you stand out amongst others in your field, be more memorable, and make a lasting impression.

You must create an authentic and personal identity for your company if you're a business owner. Your personal branding will help you differentiate yourself from others. You may use the personal brand to demonstrate knowledge about a topic you are working on. Your personal name will make you recognizable. It's your personal brand that makes your brand unique among thousands of others.

Why would you want a personal brand?

Your brand is crucial to your professional life and your business. It's what a client wants from you. You get an advantage by ensuring that people see your brand and profile exactly the way you want them to, rather than in an arbitrary or perhaps detrimental way. It's the best way to showcase your talents and your passions. It helps people think they know you better and people have higher confidence in your skill and abilities.

What to stay away from to boost your own personal brand

Since LinkedIn is a professional site, expressing your political views can be seen as detrimental to your public persona. Especially if you've recently applied for a job at a company you love with a strong reputation. Your potential employer may research you on social media (often all of your social accounts), and will likely focus in on your LinkedIn profile and the public perception of your online posts and comments. If you posted about sensitive topics like politics, it could reflect poorly on you and ultimately cost you the job you're applying for. Yes, you want to keep your brand voice authentic online and in real life, but keep your political views in the offline world and focus your time and energy on personal branding that will promote your job interests.

Related listening: Check out my Career Podcast about navigating the workplace and employee advocacy: It's Time to Lean

Successful Personal Branding Examples

While your brand may start off as unknown, dedication and consistency will help build over time. You've got plenty of great examples of successful personal brands available.

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is one of the most successful talk show hosts in history. She is also an actress, producer, and philanthropist. Oprah is a powerful force in the media industry, and she has used her platform to build a successful career. Oprah is an excellent example of how to create a personal brand. She is authentic and relatable, and she has built a strong reputation as a credible source of information. Oprah's personal brand has allowed her to create multiple businesses and ventures, including her OWN television network. By creating a personal brand, Oprah has been able to achieve tremendous success both professionally and personally. Her story is an inspiration for anyone who wants to build their own brand and create their own legacy.

Kim Garst

Kim Garst has a strong social marketing background and specializes in social networking. Her business revolves around her personality, which she always shows off. She has a strong social profile which shows that she is well-positioned to capitalize on her branding. She regularly posts interesting, informative, and helpful material for her audience and always shows her commitment and willingness to help any type of person.

Bill Nye

Bill Nyé, an aspiring scientist and entrepreneur is exemplary in personal branding. Since his television debut, Bill Nye has been known for his dad-joke cracking science-loving climate change advocacy. Bill Nye has a website dedicated to promoting scientific and forensic science content that shows the public his character traits to the public.

Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins is a controversial character. Famous for his books on self-management Robbins lives his name from his energetic personality down to the perfect tooth. Fans have confidence in his abilities to create change in them, and the strength embodied in Robbins' identity and his reputation has helped him build a massive empire and amass a huge following.

I have personally attended a Tony Robbins event and can attest to the energy he brings to his teachings. His brand is consistent with his execution and that helps to build trust with his audience.

5. LinkedIn is an excellent platform for networking

You can connect with other professionals, promote your business, and find new opportunities. LinkedIn is a great way to build relationships and expand your network.

LinkedIn is stained with a professional reputation. It’s the preferred social media platform for recruiters when seeking out new talent and for business people when connecting with other professionals in their field. Creating a profile on LinkedIn is like creating an online resume - you want to put your best foot forward and make sure you’re marketing yourself in the right way. Filling out your profile with as much detail as possible is crucial for coming across in search results, and LinkedIn makes it easy to add information about your previous work experience, volunteer roles, and education.

You can also join groups related to your industry or interests and follow companies to receive updates about job openings or other newsworthy events. It's an excellent platform for networking because it provides a space for professionals to connect with one another and build relationships that can lead to career opportunities down the road.

You can follow companies, join groups, and read articles to stay up-to-date on the latest business news. LinkedIn is a great resource for keeping up with industry news.

6. LinkedIn is a wonderful, untapped platform for visibility and content creation

Most business professionals know that LinkedIn is a powerful business networking tool. However, many don’t realize the platform’s potential for content creation and thought leadership. You can control how you are perceived by others by carefully crafting your profile and content strategy.

Be a thought leader in your industry

LinkedIn provides users with a unique opportunity to share their insights and expertise with a wide audience of like-minded individuals. By publishing quality content on LinkedIn, you can build your personal brand, establish yourself as an expert in your field, and connect with new people and business opportunities.

LinkedIn is the perfect platform to showcase your work and build your portfolio.

Be a content creator

You can share articles, blog posts, infographics, and other types of content to give people a taste of your work. If you’re looking for new business opportunities, LinkedIn is a great place to start. By sharing your work on LinkedIn, you can attract the attention of potential clients and business partners.

Showcase your portfolio

LinkedIn is a must-use platform for any business professional who wants to be successful.

LinkedIn is the perfect platform to showcase your work and build your portfolio. By sharing your work on LinkedIn, you can attract the attention of potential clients and business partners. Add a link to your website or the space where you house your creative content or portfolio.

7. LinkedIn is the most trusted social network for personal brands online

A recent study found that LinkedIn is considered the most trusted social platform by both employers and employees. Your personal brand is what sets you apart from other professionals in your field, and it's what allows you to build trust and credibility with potential employers, clients, and customers. When it comes to personal branding, a well-structured profile lends credibility.

People feel safe sharing their professional information on LinkedIn knowing that it's a secure platform that is not going to share their data without permission. This trust makes LinkedIn an ideal platform for networking, job seeking, and career development. With its large member base and growing popularity, LinkedIn is the perfect place to start. So what are you waiting for? Start building your network!

If this article resonates with you and you want to dive deeper into how to use LinkedIn to build your personal brand, to get the job you deserve, and get paid what you're worth, join my Membership where I dive deep into how to accomplish this with detailed lessons and supporting documents.

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